Winners of the 2019 Small Breed Photo Contest

After receiving over 900 entries, we are excited to announce our 2019 Small Breed Photo Contest Winners! Thank you to the hundreds of Wellness fans who shared their pet photos with us – we smiled, laughed and enjoyed each one. Get to know the pups behind the winning photos below!

Photo Submitted by: Alicia F.
Chihuahua, “Chihuahua,” Age 4
Location of photo taken: Uptown Charlotte, NC
Favorite Wellness Food/Treat: Grain free lamb and salmon soft treats
Does your pet have a nickname? Chi or Blue boy
What is the naughtiest / funniest thing your pet has ever done? I walked into the kitchen one day and he somehow opened the drawers perfectly and used them as stairs to get on the kitchen counter! He was standing up there looking at me so proud of himself.
What is the best memory you have involving your pet? The first day I met him! He was two years old and his family needed to find him a new home because of their work schedule. I met them at a park and as soon as I saw how confident he was and the happy dance he did for treats, I knew he was meant to be my boy!
What is the best thing about being a small breed dog owner? You’re getting a big dog personality in a fun sized, lovable, travel-friendly package which fits perfectly on your lap for cuddle time!

Photo Submitted by: Donna M.
Charlie, “Schnoodle,” Age 3
Social handle: @sweetbabycharlie
Location of photo taken: Fort Greene Park, Brooklyn, NY
Favorite Wellness Food/Treat: soft well bites turkey and duck.
Does your pet have a nickname? So many! Bear, Boo, Charles, Chuckles, C…should I go on?!
What is the naughtiest / funniest thing your pet has ever done? The first thing that comes to mind is when she was a puppy and was curious about the lilies we had in our apartment. I must have left her alone for five seconds and when I came back she had gotten into the flowers and her entire face was stained yellow from the pollen! It was not easy to get off and her face was bright yellow for a couple days.
What is the best memory you have involving your pet? The first day we brought her home. She instantly brought so much joy into our lives and continues to every single day.
What is the best thing about being a small breed dog owner? She’s small so I can take her everywhere with me!

Photo Submitted by: Michael P.
Odin, “Yorkshire Terrier,” Age 2
Location of photo taken: At home.
Favorite Wellness Food/Treat: Pure Rewards Chicken and Lamb Jerky bites
Does your pet have a nickname? Odie or Stinky
What is the naughtiest / funniest thing your pet has ever done? One time he was standing on a bench in our living room looking out the window and farted so loud he scared himself and looked around confused at what had happened!
What is the best memory you have involving your pet? Seeing my wife’s face the day we picked him up. She had a yorkie when she lived at home with her parents but he had become so bonded with her father that she couldn’t take him from him when she moved in with me. Seeing her smile and tear up when we got to bring our buddy home was certainly the best.
What is the best thing about being a small breed dog owner? Besides the easy clean up? Probably just that he can basically come anywhere with us and it isn’t a hassle. I have noticed that small breed dogs seem to have more personality than bigger dogs as well.

Photo Submitted by: Sheila S.
Smokey, “Shihtzu/poodle mix,” Age 12
Social handle: @smokeandsade
Location of photo taken: Lower Calf Creek Falls, Utah
Favorite Wellness Food/Treat: lamb and apple well bars, yum!
Does your pet have a nickname? Just Smokey or Smokes
What is the naughtiest / funniest thing your pet has ever done? Smokey learned how to open the cabinet door then pulled all of the treat bags out and helped himself. Luckily I caught him before he ate too many, it was too funny though!
What is the best memory you have involving your pet? I have so many memories since rescuing Smokey seven years ago, but all the best memories have been when we go on a new adventure. We have traveled to 35 states together and lived in four different states! He has been the best side-kick.
What is the best thing about being a small breed dog owner? I love that Smokey loves to go hiking, swimming, or kayaking and is always up for anything, but he also will hang out, get cuddles and a belly rub if that’s what I would rather do. Plus, he’s so small, it’s easy to pack up and take him anywhere. Sometimes he even hitches a ride in my backpack if he starts to get tired.

Photo Submitted by: Brittney M.
Franklin, “French Bulldog,” Age 3
Social handle: @the_dapper_frenchie
Location of photo taken: Skinner Bark Park, Chicago, IL
Does your pet have a nickname? Little Man and Squirt
What is the naughtiest / funniest thing your pet has ever done? Frank was playing in a wading pool by himself at the dog park when a huge Great Dane came bounding over. Needless to say, Frank didn’t take well to the splashing. Frank puffed out his chest and let out his gremlin Frenchie war cry, and the Dane went running!
What is the best memory you have involving your pet? My best memory is picking him up for the first time in all of his three pounds of glory. He was the tiniest little thing, and so sweet and comfortable.
What is the best thing about being a small breed dog owner? All of the sweet snuggles and being able to take them just about anywhere!
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @wellnesspetfood from May 13th to May 18th for more Small Breed photos and information during our Small Breed Takeover!