6 Tips for Working at Home with Pets

If you are new to the work-from-home scene, you may be feeling mixed emotions about your new gig, but working from home can be quite beneficial, especially if you have a furry friend!
Think about it. You have the comforts of home, you can dress in your pajamas, and you have your favorite being in the entire universe next to you while you get paid to work, but, and there is always a but, how do you effectively work from home with a pet?
Here are some ways to get yourself into a new working routine when you have pets at home to keep you company:
1. Create a Workspace:
When it comes to a home office, some of us may have more options than others. If possible, try to separate yourself from your pets to ensure you have a functional workspace. Go into a room and use a door as a barrier. This will set a clear message that you are unavailable to play or cuddle. If a separate room isn’t possible, try using a space that is higher up, such as a table or countertop, so your pet cannot disrupt your papers, computer or other materials.
2. Work Time vs. Play Time:
If you have a needy pet, you may have to set some work-from-home boundaries. Just like you normally leave the house for the day, head to your “home office” and shut the door, physically separating you from your pet. If this isn’t possible, set up times to play. Take some time to tire your pet out before you sit down to work, so they will be less likely to bother you. When you get up for a break or a snack, include your furry friend so they learn to understand the difference between work time and playtime.
3. Setting a Schedule:
Working from home is a great option, especially if you get to make your own hours, but sometimes too much freedom can be a curse. Just like working in an office or at a site, set up a schedule to keep you and your pet in a working routine.
- Meals: This may mean changing meal times, but they will adjust. No matter what you choose, pick a schedule, stick to it, and always feed them before you start your day in the home office.
- Walks: If you have a dog, be sure to pencil in an appropriate time to take your furry friend out. This is a great way for you both to release some energy and spend some quality time together.
4. Treat Tricks:
Working from home means your pet will see a lot more of you than they normally would. With that said, be sure to watch those treats! It can be easy to overfeed our pets when we are with them for long periods of time. Keep a running tally at your desk to keep you and your furry friend on track. For a healthy option, check out WHIMZEES, all-natural daily dog dental treats that also double as a long-lasting chew to keep your dog occupied.
5. Creature Comforts:
Your pet may simply want to be near you while you work without being a bother, and that’s great to hear! Move your pet’s bed or favorite blanket into your workspace, so they can keep you company in comfort.
6. Don’t Give In:
If working from home is new for your pet, they will most likely try some tricks to get your attention. This could include begging, whining, or scratching at the door. Stay strong, just like when they were small. Set firm boundaries and good behavior will follow.
While we treat our pets like family, it’s still a good idea to set boundaries and stick to them. This is the best way to ensure you can create a working environment that works for you and your pet. At the end of the day, remember to be flexible and work with your furry co-worker to create a space that works for everyone.
It’s also important to remember that change takes time for them just as much as it does for us. Give your furry friend some time and space to process your presence during the day, especially if they are used to being home alone. With these tips, you are both on your way to a happy and healthy working future.